Me wearing daddy’s hat
I’ve been practicing and practicing with help from my baby-walker, holding hands with someone or using the furniture to stop me falling over. I’d even taken a couple of steps here and there on my own.
We woke up early and there was a white blanket of frost on the ground. Daddy and Darragh went into the garden to cut down a couple of trees. One was dead. One was a very odd shape and in the way of some work we have to do, so they needed to come down.
In between trees and during a chainsaw re-fuelling break, mummy said “Hey, come and look at this!”
I’d been walking between mummy and Kate, when suddenly I took a notion and started walking around the kitchen table. Daddy grabbed his iPad and filmed me – everyone was in stunned silence as I showed off my new prowess.
I’ve been walking pretty much all day so, from here on in, I think I might be joining the bipeds!
Walking on sunshine from Faolán Smith on Vimeo.
Hello Faolan What a big boy you are now. Walking all on your own. I’m glad daddy filmed you so that I could see you. With lots of love xxxxxx