Archives for January 2012

Future Irish rugby player

Me ready for rugby!

In preparation for the up and coming Six Nations rugby tournament, I got dressed up ready to support Ireland.

There might be a bit of contention on 17th March, which also happens to be St. Patrick’s Day, as England play Ireland at Twickenham.
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Bath time again!

Bath time with Granny

Granny Jean was here all week! She arrived on the day I was three months old – hooray!

Tonight was bath time again and it was a bit of a spectacle. We put the bath on top of the table and I managed to splash water everywhere – and I mean everywhere.
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Malin Head

The view west from Malin Head

All this week Granny Jean and Tom were here from England. They’re my daddy’s folks and this was the first time they’ve seen me.

We did all the usual tourist visits and, being almost from the most northerly point in Ireland, we had to take them there.
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My first swim!

My first swim with my mum

Just like Sunday, today was another first that involved water.

We were off to the Ballyliffin Lodge Hotel and their swimming pool for a mummy and baby swim session.

So, complete with my dapper swim nappy, I spent half an hour helping my mum and splashing after a red plastic ball.
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My first big bath

My first big bath

Tonight I had my first bath in the big bath!

I jumped in while Kate was getting all cleaned up for school the next day and it’s so much better than my wee bath. I could sit upright (as I’m learning to do) only with a little help from my mum and the bubbles came up to my chest.
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How much is that doggie?

Original cover

Sometimes when I’m not feeling really happy – and, yes, it does happen – people have taken to singing this song to me.

It cheers me up no end, although it’s more the people’s faces I’m smiling at – they look funny when they sing!
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My first solid food!

My first mouthful of solid food

Today was another milestone in my short life so far. Today I tried my first solid food!

Well, it wasn’t solid – I mean, it wasn’t an apple – but it’s the first food I’ve eaten that didn’t come straight from my mum.
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When the sun shines

Poppy, mum and me off for a walk

Sometimes the sun shines in Inishowen. When it does, you have to take advantage and get outside! The weather has been a bit wild lately (nothing unusual there), but today the sun shone and the wind didn’t blow.

So me and mum got all wrapped up and headed up the road with Poppy.
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All dressed up and somewhere to go

All dressed up

My mum had been commissioned by the Monreagh Ulster Scots Heritage and Education Centre to paint a picture of Inch Island.

The painting was presented to Bertie Bryce, a well known performer and dancer from Inch Island, to celebrate his 93rd birthday.
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Today, at 11 weeks old, I weighed 8.3kg or 18lb 5oz!

This is a video of me playing games with my mum – I have a surprise for her about half way through 😉
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